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Friday, May 16, 2008

Social NewsPaper.. From Adobe

A feed is a file format for sharing news, blog posts or other web content across websites. The site that makes its content available as a source of information is said to publish a feed, while the tools and sites that use that content are said to consume the feed.

myFeedz is both a feed consumer because it reads news and blogs from all over the internet and also a feed publisher because it provides feeds for all the lists displayed.

What is an RSS feed?
RSS is an XML format used to export and import feeds across the Internet.
What is an Atom feed?
Atom is a slightly different format that does pretty much the same things as RSS, only better.
What is an OPML file?
OPML is an XML file format used to store a
list of feeds. Most feed aggregators allow you to export and import your OPML file.

After all the gyan above: Let's have a look at something even cooler from Adobe

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